Wednesday, March 21, 2012

~~ SNSD Gom Audio Skin Download~~

~~Hey Blogger!

Meet you again :)

I'm ready to fulfill your soshi-addicted again. Now, I want to write on how to get a super cool soshi 

gom audio player. You just need to follow the instruction and fwolla! you can get this super cool 

soshi gom player:

1. You need to get a gom audio player. If you've had one, than good. If not, poor you. You can get the

installer in this link: Gom Audio Player Setup

All the installation process will be in Hangul, but if you used to installing-program-things, you can j

Just pass this easily. You'll just need to click next (in Hangul) on the most bottom-left button, then 

click "I agree" (in Hangul, once again) on the middle-bottom button, then follow the blue-lighted 

button and that's it. You can install the audio player first if you want to hear the soshi songs directly 

or wait 'till you've downloaded all the cool soshi visual skins. (Note: the songs are not included, but 

if you want any soshi songs, contact me)

2. Now it's the main process: change the skin. You don't have to understand Hangul to change the 

skin (of course, it's globalization, you can just sit on your desk and browse on google -.-). Just 

follow the instruction as shown below:

   a. Press F5 so a dialog box appear (in Hangul)

   b. Click the button in red

1: the button you need to press to chose the skin
The skin is in .gas extension, so you can find the skin easily.

 There might be a chance where your audio player isn't in complete part. In order to this, just press 

F7, F8, or F9 to make them appear again. You need to rearrange the separated part.
Beside you can hear your favorite soshi's songs, you can read the lyrics too (but, in Hangul. So, learn 

to read hangul. It's easy. It takes me 15 minutes to learn how to write and read hangul. I will post 

about how to read hangul next time, yeah, next time). Just press F10, and it will appear (Note: please 

note that this facility only work if connected to the internet)

Not every soshi songs will have lyric to appear, it depends on the originality of the song and the site 

where it came from. I recommend you to download a full album not song by song. 

Here is the site where you can find many soshi skins (in Hangul): Soshi Gom Audio Player Visual Skin

I already have approx 217 soshi skins and I'm trying to upload it to my acc in 4shared, but it will take

me forever with this low connection, so next time I'll post the link to you. Thanks for my friend's 

little sister that give me this cool soshi apps :D

See you next time blogger~~


  1. Replies
    1. you can click on the link I've given up there, or click here :)
      thank you for coming and thanks for your comment also ^^ I really appreciate that~ Thank you. Sorry to make you wait soo~~long

  2. Thank you.. but the first link, it was error and i can use link in the comment.. Thanks for the second time :D

